PAL Leadership Team (PLT) is a group of high-schoolers involved with camp. It is a training program of Armada PAL Camp, designed to teach specific skills for working with kids of all ages and fellow camp staff, as well as experience planning and leading activities. This program is filled with community and philanthropic activities, team building, and situational training that build their skills, confidence, and capacity for working with people of all ages.
If your high-schooler is interested in participating in PLT, please reach out to PLT Advisor, Noah Weinert at [email protected] |
PLT's Impact at CampPAL Leadership Team is usually the first step in becoming a PAL junior/senior counselor. Since you must be 18 or older to be a senior counselor, PLT is the place where most high-school kids start. During camp week, before they see time inside cabins, they often take on roles helping captain block classes and serving as Service Staff in the camp kitchen. Most PAL Leadership Team members go on to be Counselors-in-Training (CIT).
PLT's Impact in the CommunityThey spend their year outside of camp taking part in leadership training and philanthropic efforts in the community. The majority of PLT members have attended camp as campers and PLT allows them to remain very much involved! Some of the projects they've worked on include: